I have been very lucky to have a chance to photograph the most amazing clients. I mean it! They put all their trust into my hands and let me create memories, capture moments, and little snippets from their lives that they can treasure forever....
I met yet another amazing young lady last night....
Introducing: Jenna

This senior is beyond amazing! Jenna has accomplished so much in her short life! Let me tell you: Jenna runs her own meal prep business, she is a great student, works at a local ice cream shop, she is a successful elite level CrossFit athlete, and has the biggest heart! Honestly, I am not going to be surprised to hear more from this young lady in the future...
We started her shoot very casually. Jenna did great! Just take a look at this natural beauty!
Jenna brought her Best friend Aayla along for the shoot too. We were able to snap a few shots with Aayla.

I must say, as humble as this young lady is, I was more than impressed with Jenna's most recent accomplishment. Jenna finished 5th in the world at the CrossFit Games in Madison, WI. Hands down amazing!

We ended Jenna's session with a bang! I waited and planned Jenna's session carefully so we would not miss the golden hours. It did not disappoint! Neither did Jenna! Just take a look at this beautiful young lady and all her glow!
Thank you Jenna for allowing me to capture these photographs of you and thank you for your complete trust in me. I wish you nothing but the best in your next chapter of your life...I know it will be at least as amazing as you are!